Zares Species ID Library
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Reptiles and amphibians are a group of cold-blooded quadruped and vertebrate animals whose main characteristic is to have a skin covered with keratin scales. There are many of these animals, especially in warm habitats, whose name comes from their way of walking: it comes from the Latin reptile, “that crawls.” They belong to totally different groups, but they are all cold-blooded vertebrate animals, that is, poikilotherms: they must regulate their body temperature based on their environment. In the case of reptiles we find more than 50,000 species, e.g. snakes, Tuataras, lizards, turtles or crocodiles,whereas in the case of amphibians we find more than 4,000 species, e.g. frogs, toads and salamanders .
Risk of Extinction
Many reptilian species are today at risk of extinction due to the action of man. Among them, the following reptilian species stand out:
Dwarf Chameleon (Bradypodiontaeniabronchum)
Tiny version of ordinary chameleons, native to South Africa.
Ricord’s Iguana (CycluraRicordi)
Endemic to the island of Hispaniola, in the Caribbean, few populations remain southwest of the Dominican Republic.
Giant Lizard of La Palma (Gallotiaauaritae).
Endemic to the Canary Islands, it has been becoming extinct since humans colonized the island of La Palma, due to the introduction of cats, agriculture and their indiscriminate hunting.
Orinoco Caiman (Crocodylusintermedius)
It is the largest predator in Latin America, endemic to the Orinoco River region in Venezuela. It has a maximum length of 7 meters and is in critical danger of extinction.
Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelysimbricata)
It is a species of marine turtle with a spotted body and whose meat and shells are highly coveted, which is why they have been hunted to practically to extinction.
China Crocodile (Alligatorsinensis)
Endemic to the estuary of the Yangtze River in China. Its colour is dark green to black and lives for about 40 years.
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Reptiles appeared on Earth 318 million years ago and were the predominant form of life during the Mesozoic (Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous), in the so-called “Age of the dinosaurs”. They are evolutionarily related to amphibians and birds. They are usually carnivores and herbivores. Some prehistoric reptilian species gave rise to the first mammals. In human cultures, reptiles have a fascinating and frightening presence, due to their dry, ancient appearance, and their ferocity in the case of large predators such as crocodiles, alligators and snakes
Reptile Control
Check our methods and products in Reptile Control treatments, approved by the respective health and environmental health bodies of your country. We will develop an integrated plan that adapts to your needs, to solve your problem quickly, effectively and safely.
Joana Freitas Abreu
pest control technician
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