(+351) 211.325.595 I 93.215.8580

Bed Bug Control 

Professionalism and proficiency in meeting deadlines

Trust in the ability to satisfy your expectations

Safety guaranteed in all phases of the project

Bed Bug Control Service

Zares Pest Control does not give a chance to a pest.

Each service is a challenge and that is why Zares Pest Control has the highest response capacity in treatments against bed bugs. We know that they are difficult to find, and a female can lay more than 1000 eggs in months and can create antibodies if the applied treatment is not used correctly.

We will evaluate your entire establishment to find the cause of this problem and then we will present the best solutions and a strategy plan to exterminate this pest forever.

 Zares Pest Control is highly qualified having cutting-edge equipment for this type of problem that may present potential risks to your health and that of your family. For each extermination service against bed bugs, our company uses 100% effective and safe techniques for the environment.

Thanks to years of dedication and betting on cutting-edge technology, it is possible to eradicate this type of pests. Do not leave your commercial establishment at a disadvantage, avoid the frustration of not knowing how to get rid of this pest, protect your investment since in most cases this pest is transmitted by travellers as they stay in suitcases until they make new nests in beds or furniture. Check our entire range of ecological methods with biological or chemical action of residual action.

 No more bites, no more stress! Free yourself from this pest with the help of our professionals.

We will provide you with a unique experience and maximum protection together with a program tailored to your needs.

Joana Freitas Abreu

pest control technician

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SEE PESTS: Cockroaches | Termites | Mosquitoes and Gnats | Flies | Ants | Bed Bugs | Rats | Fleas | Ticks | Wasps | Spiders | Scorpions and Scorpions | Birds | Reptiles

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    zares tenchoControl

    smart solution

    accurately counts captured pests

    smart mousetraps

    Kill rodents in a smart and ecological way, without toxins.

    Complete connection

    Monitor pest control in real time with all the information

    zares tenchoControl

    smart solution

    accurately counts captured pests

    smart mousetraps

    Kill rodents in a smart and ecological way, without toxins.

    Complete connection

    Monitor pest control in real time with all the information

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