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Zares Pest Species ID Library


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Ants belong to the Order Hymenoptera, and there are descriptions of more than 3,000 species in almost all environments. They are of complete metamorphosis (holometabola). Their development cycle is concluded from 6 weeks to 2 months or more, depending on each species, and on environmental factors, such as average temperatures, humidity, and availability of food, to mention just a few.

They are social insects and live in large and complex colonies made up of many individuals: one or more reproducers (queen and male), worker soldiers, nurses, and the juvenile stages (eggs, larvae, and pupae). The breeding adults (queen and male) of many ant species are winged (two pairs of wings). The antennas are of special importance for the ants, as they are sensory organs of taste and touch, through which the individuals of the same or different colonies communicate and exchange information.

Argentine ant (Linepitema humile-Mayr), another species of agricultural importance in citrus plantations, is Solenopsis gayi (S) or Red Ant, which attacks young plants causing damage to the bark at the neck level and up to 10 cm below the ground as also on some fabrics of the upper part.

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Some species build their nests in the earth, wood or hollow logs and even within human constructions (near sources of humidity such as water pipes, sinks and flower pots). There is practically no food that is not consumed by some species of ants, except cellulose. The Argentine Ant diet is based on sugary carbohydrates: it feeds on flower nectar and sugary secretions produced by other insects (aphids, shells, white flies and white pigs), which they take care of and defend from predators. Also, within their diet, they include plant tissues and insects or other animals (proteins). A specific vector or pathogen role is not described, but they can transmit various diseases by dragging microorganisms on their legs and body inside houses, contaminating food and various surfaces. They are very aggressive and kill ants of other species in the area, but they have no problem cohabiting with individuals from different colonies in the same area, which can lead to a very high ant population density.


When observing an ant trail, the feeding source of the ant is usually located at one end and the nest is at the other end. We recommend avoiding leaving sugary foods within easy reach, closing perimeters and trails of the area Do not use chemical products without the guidance of an expert, since if they are not applied correctly, they may not have a good end result.

Eliminate your Pests

Check our methods and products in Fumigation treatments against Ants, approved by the respective health and environmental health bodies of your country. We will develop an integrated plan that adapts to your needs, in order to solve quickly, effectively and safely your problem.

Joana Freitas Abreu

pest control technician

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SEE PESTS: Cockroaches | Termites | Mosquitoes and Gnats | Flies | Ants | Bed Bugs | Rats | Fleas | Ticks | Wasps | Spiders | Scorpions and Scorpions | Birds | Reptiles

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