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Zares Pest Species ID Library

Bed Bugs

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Bed bugs

The bed bug, Cimex lectularius (L), belongs to the Order Hemiptera. Hematophagous parasite (feeds on blood) attacks man, animals, domestic and wild birds, bats, rodents, and other warm-blooded species. It has an oval and flattened body and is 5 to 8 mm long, reddish-brown in color, with vestigial wings. Females reach a lay of up to 350 eggs during their lifetime. Nymphs hatch from the eggs being very similar to the adult, but smaller. The development cycle of bed bugs consists of five molts and, for each molt, they need to pre-feed on blood. After reaching their adult state and sexual maturity, they live for up to four months or more, achieving up to four generations in one year. They are not considered specific vectors of diseases, but their painless bite can cause irritation, itching and burning, a reaction that can last a week or more.

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Bed bugs can be found all over the world. They can infect homes by active migration by walking through electrical cables, cracks and interstices that communicate to neighboring homes, or by passive migration carried by birds, bats or people, hidden in clothes, travel bags and belongings. new or used entering your home; They are active at night and during the day they hide in cracks in walls or floors, in beds and furniture. Adults feed themselves on average once a week for 3 to 15 minutes, but they do it often throughout their lives. When the temperature drops below 16 ° C, the adults go into semi-hibernation and thus can survive for months. Signs of their presence are the red or brown spots of their droppings and a characteristic unpleasant sweet smell.


Permanent cleaning, hygiene and meticulous vacuuming of bedrooms, furniture, bedding, mattresses, and pillows, removing detached wallpaper, repairing cracks and spaces that serve as shelter, periodically checking pets and travel bags for the presence of bed bugs.

Eliminate your Pests

Check our methods and products in Bed Bug Disinsectisation Treatments, approved by the respective health and environmental health bodies of your country. We will develop an integrated plan that adapts to your needs, to solve your problem quickly, effectively and safely.

Joana Freitas Abreu

pest control technician

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SEE PESTS: Cockroaches | Termites | Mosquitoes and Gnats | Flies | Ants | Bed Bugs | Rats | Fleas | Ticks | Wasps | Spiders | Scorpions and Scorpions | Birds | Reptiles

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