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Zares Pest Species ID Library


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They are beneficial, free-living species of the Class Arachnida, Order Scorpionida. They belong to three families: Bothriuridae (from Region II to Aysén), Luridae (from Tarapacá to V Region) and Buthidae (from Arica to Malleco).

They are the arachnids that reach the largest size, being able to reach 20 cm. In addition, of their 8 ambulatory legs they have a non-ambulatory pair, which in males participates in the reproduction process. On their heads they have huge chelicerae fitted with pincers. Its tail is made up of six segments that end in a thin, curved stinger, where the venom is housed. With chelicerae and pedipalps they hold their prey to bury the stinger and inoculate it with the poison. They feed on insects and spiders and can also exhibit cannibalism. They are viviparous, that is, the female produces live youngs (10 to 35), which she carries on her back for 7 to 30 days or until their first molt.

Nymphs go through 6 molts to reach their adult stage, which can take several months or even 4 years. Adults can live from 1 to 6 years. Parthenogenesis (reproduction without fertilization) occurs in some species of scorpions.

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Some species of scorpions are relatively small, 3 to 5 cm. In some countries, scorpion sting is a serious public health problem. Scorpions mainly inhabit hot and arid areas. During the day they take refuge under stones, pieces of firewood, bark of logs, rubble, leaves, and at night they are very active in the search for food. A peculiarity is their fluorescent coticule in ultraviolet light. In the hot summer months, they look for cooler places, being able to enter homes and hide in kitchens, bathrooms, ceilings, inside shoes, etc. If they are threatened or bothered intentionally or accidentally, they can cause a sting comparable in pain to that of bees or wasps, being more serious in the case of hypersensitive people.


Eliminate hiding places and all objects under which they can hide, eliminate their food sources (e.g. cockroaches and spiders) indoors and outdoors. Check and vigorously shake clothes before using them, as well as bath towels and sheets before going to sleep.

Eliminate your Pests

Read about our methods and products in Scorpion Control treatments, approved by the respective health and environmental health bodies of your country. We will develop an integrated plan that adapts to your needs, to quickly, effectively and safely solving your problem.

Joana Freitas Abreu

pest control technician

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SEE PESTS: Cockroaches | Termites | Mosquitoes and Gnats | Flies | Ants | Bed Bugs | Rats | Fleas | Ticks | Wasps | Spiders | Scorpions and Scorpions | Birds | Reptiles

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