Zares Pest Species ID Library
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Spiders belong to the Arachnida Class (same Class as mites, ticks and scorpions). Spiders differ from insects in that adults have four pairs of legs (insects have only three pairs). Their body is composed of two segments: cephalothorax and abdomen (insects have three segments), without antennae or chewing apparatus (true jaws), with simple eyes. With incomplete metamorphosis, each female lays 200 eggs, and the cycle is completed in 9 to 12 months. Nymphs are born with three pairs of legs and the 4th pair appears in later molts. Spiders are beneficial species, as they are predators of other species that can constitute a pest.
They are poisonous and need their venom to immobilize and initiate the digestion of their prey. In most species this poison is not dangerous for man. However, there are two species with high pathogenic power: the Wheat Spider, Black Widow or Poto Colorado Spider (Latrodectus mirabilis) and the Corner Spider (Loxosceles laeta, L. coquimbo, L. rufescens). (Mr. Milenko Aguilera, Biologist University of Concepción).

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Spiders are easy to find in homes (corners, pantry, behind pictures, ceiling, closets, etc.). They weave a messy fabric in the tall, shady corners. They measure 1 cm long, are brownish in colour, have a piriform cephalothorax, which is lighter than the abdomen. They have abundant hair and three pairs of simple eyes (forming a triangle). Spiders that show up at home are generally shy, sedentary and develop their activity preferably at night. They are not aggressive and only accidentally bite as a defensive reaction when feeling threatened and can even cause death.
Home accidents occur throughout the year, most frequently at night (38%) or very early in the morning (32%). Their venom has necrotizing (death of tissue), haemolytic (death of red blood cells), vasculitis (inflammation of the inner wall of capillaries) and coagulant power. The size of the spider (inoculum) increases the venom of the female being more pathogenic than that of the male.

We recommend the permanent and neat cleaning of homes, checking corners and shaking clothes before use, the mechanical destruction of spiders, of their egg masses and fabrics. When entering a dark, dirty room or that has been closed for a long time, do it with caution, using a powerful flashlight and causing noise to alert and give the spider time to move away. Separate the beds from the walls, prevent children from playing inside cabinets or with boxes that do not have been previously reviewed by a responsible adult, spray arachnicides in refuge sites, especially on fabrics, and allow a few days to elapse before removing them. Pay special attention to possible routes of entry to the house such as doors, windows, and small holes.

Eliminate your Pests
Check our methods and products in Spider Control treatments, approved by the respective health and environmental health bodies of your country. We will develop an integrated plan that adapts to your needs, to quickly, effectively and safely solve your problem.

Joana Freitas Abreu
pest control technician
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